Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Received second parole transcript

Do you want to know who I have the most admiration for?  Parents who can forgive the monsters who have murdered their children.  It is a place I would very much like to get to, but I don't know that I can.  I have waited twenty one years to hear what Deborah Soule had to say about the day she viciously beat my little boy.  Twenty one years!  But still there is NO explaination.  NONE.  Her first time up for parole it was "He was just there"  this time it was nothing but excuses and lies.  LIES.  I am just angered more than ever.  Where can you find solice in lies?  She also tries to play victim, like it was so tramatic for her.  Deborah Soule, you will get yours, if not in this lifetime, then in the next. You seem to have forgotten quite a bit in just the few months between parole hearings, well here is a little refresher for broke up a family. You cheated with MY husband.  Then you for whatever reason didn't like Nicholas.  It was pure jealousy plain and simple.  You abused him for MONTHS.  You fractured his skull in November, bruised his ear, left many bruises and scratches all over his body.  You tormented him when ever you got the chance.  A TWO YEAR OLD BABY BOY.  Then, after Randy spent the entire day with Nick and I on Friday, January 13, 1995 talking about reuniting our family you couldn't handle it and the minute you were able, the minute you thought no one was watching you viciously and mercilessly beat my son, a two year old baby and watched him suffer with ZERO remorse.  All over a man. Is this a reminder enough for you?  Does it all ring a bell now?  You are not the victim Deborah Soule.  My two year old son is.


  1. Have signed again did so last year promoted tweeted fb husband will do later mike will email legislators I sent you message email me address will mail you free copy of my book

  2. Thank you so much for your support Sheila <3

  3. What a devastating story. What a sick, corrupt woman. I will be signing this petition and will share this and ask everyone I know to do the same. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Keep fighting to keep this disgusting woman in jail. I hope she never sees the light of day as a free woman.
